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What problems do you encounter when labeling in the mold?

Time:2021-03-25    Edit by ZhuoChuang

In-mold labeling is now a very promising industry in China. This labeling method has many advantages, but we may also encounter some problems in the process of labeling.

1) Label drop: The label is transported to the mold by the robot, but it may fall off during the transportation and not delivered to the cavity of the mold. It is also possible that the in-mold label falls out of the mold cavity due to insufficient vacuum suction force in the mold cavity. In addition, if the adhesive strength of the in-mold label adhesive is not strong, the label drop will occur. And in the entire labeling process, the temperature of the mold-in label, the blowing pressure, and the cooling temperature must be strictly controlled.


2) Relabeling: The static electricity of the label is not completely eliminated, or the label feels sticky, and there will be a relabeling phenomenon that two or more consecutive labels are attached to the bottle at the same time. In addition, the robot uses vacuum adsorption to absorb the in-mold labels. If the vacuum suction force is too large or the friction coefficient between the in-mold labels is too large, it will cause double or multiple in-mold labels to be affixed to the bottle at the same time. Adjusting the vacuum adsorption force, effectively eliminating static electricity, and choosing the right varnish is an effective way to solve the problem of re-labeling.

3) Lack of label: There is no in-mold label on the front and back of the bottle, which is mainly caused by the problem of label drop.